It's Not Over Yet; Hold On!

2017 is almost over and we have few more hours to get into the new year 2018. We made it hallelujah!! Many people, myself inclusive wrote down things on our prayer/faith cards. We prayed and believed God for those things as we entered into 2017. Most on our list have been fulfilled, we have checked them as green and thanked God for them while few are still pending.

Some people have very few or nothing checked on our list this year as completed. According to Peter in Luke 5:5, "We have toiled all night and have caught nothing..." Yes we have prayed, fasted and confessed the word of God all through January to date, yet we have not seen the manifestation of our prayers; my word for you is "HOLD ON for its not over yet"!

Have you given up on God for that request you have been holding and praying for? Has God promised and it looks like the year is almost over and it can't come to pass? Never give up but hold on. Find out what God says concerning that situation and continue to speak the word of God over it. In the earlier verse, Peter said 'We have toiled all night and have caught nothing; but at thy WORD, I will let down the nets...." When the circumstances doesn't look like it, keep speaking the word forth like you want to see it; for words have creative power! Never weaver but hold on to what He has promised. As seen in Hebrew 10:23: Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised.

God is too faithful to fail. Numbers 23:19 tells us, "God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he promised and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" To receive the manifestation of we hope for,we can't afford to weaver in our faith.
Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed" James 1: 6. God cannot fail. He will bring to pass that which He promised. Don't weaver or give place to doubt and don't give up yet for it is not over! Keep your faith tank full.

While in the waiting phase, keep declaring the word of God and give Him praise in advance for what He has done. JUST PRAISE HIM.

Cultivate a praise lifestyle. Thank God for many miracles He has wrought in and through you. Thank God for bringing you through the year till today, thank God for where you are today and watch God bring to pass ALL that He has promised! GOD IS TOO FAITHFUL TO FAIL. Nothing is too hard for our God to do. Rest in His peace and watch Him amaze you the remaining days of 2017.
I look forward to hearing your testimonies!

Chichi Onoriobe.
