Called To Serve: My Haiti Experience.

I was privileged to visit Haiti a few months ago on a mission trip with the Christian Union Uniben Alumni group. We visited Love a Child Inc. (LAC). Love A Child is a faith based humanitarian organization serving the needs of children in Haiti, serving the poorest of the poor and work to spread the word of God and sharing Christ's love by example.
Haiti is a country that was struck by an earthquake some years ago. The effect of that disaster is still very much present. The people are in need of  basic amenities of life: food, clothing, healthcare and shelter. I saw many things that brought tears to my eyes like people eating from the refuse dumpster, folks living in shack houses with roof made from dried leaves. There is hunger in the land and people both young and old die from treatable sickness and diseases. Children eat clay cookies to keep their stomach full. Basic education is for the privileged.  Many cannot afford to eat proper diet let alone afford to send their children to school. They are in dire need of help.

While serving there, I met a sweet, intelligent little girl named Lovemica. She caught my attention all week. She didn’t ask for anything but to be loved and I found a friend in her. We had fun just playing like a little girl she was. I have a daughter of her age and I could relate and come down to her level. Loving her, playing with her and providing health check  for her was so satisfying and rewarding . Everyone can put a smile on someone’s face. It was a pleasant experience for me to be able to go, serve the poor and wounded people of Haiti, bringing them the love of Christ and just loving on them.

We went with the primary purpose of touching lives and winning souls for the kingdom of God but had to serve in different areas. My team gave out food to the hungry, provided healthcare for them through a mobile Clinic that was set up with a make shift pharmacy. We also helped distribute clothes and fellowshipped with the children at the orphanage . We preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, won many souls to Christ and gave out Bibles. I was surprised by the fact that many people could not afford the luxury of owning a Bible because it cost about $10 a piece and this is very expensive when converted to Haitian currency!  It was physically exhausting but God renewed our strength each day and kept us going strong. 

The people of Haiti were very receptive to the gospel of Christ but in some places, the people were very fetish and willing to remain serving the devil. We went to a village called Chambrum where the devil and his activities are highly exalted and the fear of him was seen everywhere. A shrine is almost in front of every home! Being armed with the name and the blood of Jesus, we had no cause to fear because at the name of Jesus every knee including Satan himself their father has to bow! 
Philippians 2:10 tells us “so at the name of Jesus, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in Heaven and on earth and under the earth...” We carry the DNA of Jesus and cannot be defeated by any power. We have victory in Jesus always. We treated the people and preached the gospel of Jesus with many coming to know Jesus and Jesus was glorified as we took over the land for Him!

A pastor rightly said “there are many reasons that the Lord calls us to serve. First, He rids us of pride and selfishness, allowing our focus to be on Him. Second, we proclaim our love for Christ through our care for one another. Third, God tests and purifies our hearts through service.”

People hardly volunteer their time, skills and money in areas that goes unnoticed but I encourage us all, what we do in secret, the Lord will openly reward us. God calls us to have a servant’s heart—motivated to live a life that glorifies Him, not ourselves. We glorify God in our selfless service. 

When we serve, we lend to the poor. The scriptures records in Proverbs 19:17 : “He that gives to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will give him his reward." The Lord never owes any man. Service is an act of worship and also an avenue to secure God’s grace and reward. Whatever we sow, we reap. If you want to obtain grace in any way, show grace to the needy. Sow seeds of service and watch God multiply your harvest. 
Serving God and man advances God’s kingdom and many souls can be won to His kingdom through serving their needs. I call that kingdom advancement work and God pays every laborer that works in His field. 
It’s interesting how we run after all the pleasures of life and push kingdom work to the backseat.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting the best in life, working to attain the best and living a beautiful life but the big question is this: how much have we labored tirelessly for the kingdom? How much do we  serve the needs of our Father  and our fellow brothers and sisters even when it is not convenient? Mathew 25: 40 tells us, "I tell you the truth, just as you did for one to the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me".

Matthew 6:23 tells us also to seek His kingdom first and ALL other things shall be added unto us. A man with a heart to serve never lacks because ALL other things the Lord will add unto such. 
After all is said and done, after our life here on earth, we all will stand to give account of all we have done here on earth and only what we do for the Kingdom will count not how many empires we built for ourselves nor our positions and what we have attained. What have you done to advance the kingdom of God? How have you served those the Lord has placed in your field? 

You may not need to travel to serve but start from where you are. Help in any capacity whether in prayer, acts of kindness or volunteering your time in the soup kitchen, visiting, helping, using your skills and money where it is needed. Remember, it pays to serve Jesus! 

In His service,
Chichi Onoriobe



  1. Wow, this is so awesome sis, thank God for providing you with this avenue. I volunteered in Haiti a fre years back and it was truly a life-changing experience. I continue to pray for revival and restoration in the land

    1. Amen! Thank you so much and I pray the land will be covered with the knowledge of God and restoration comes to the country. Thank you again for your service; may God reward you as you labor in His vineyard.

  2. May God continue to empower you to serve.


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