Challenges...Why Me?

The phrase "Why me?" is a question that millions of people have asked, time and time again. If we're honest with ourselves, we've all uttered these words at some point in our lives, especially during moments of pain or tragedy. Why me, and why now? These questions often accompany challenging circumstances that seem unjust or overwhelming. We navigate life's tough battles, grappling with the unanswerable, and sometimes, we find ourselves asking God, "Why?"

I vividly recall a trying period several years ago. Walking the streets of Chicago, my mind swirled with questions: God, why, Why me? Why do I have to go through this? What have I done to deserve what was  happening to me? I have done nothing wrong! As I pondered, the Holyspirit spoke instantly to me: "The enemy never comes after something of no value, the enemy wouldn't be attacking you if something valuable wasn't inside you." Thieves don't break into empty homes. Those words struck a chord. 
It dawned on me how much I was worth in Christ, how much God deposited in me and how much God loves me over the trying circumstance I was going through. The adversity I faced was a testament to the value within me. With this realization, I shifted my focus from self-doubt and questions to embracing my worth in Christ. I refused to squander the gifts deposited within me, knowing that the greater ONE lives inside of me. I realized I was a threat to the kingdom of darkness and it was time to manifest all that God has deposited in me with complete faith in God. I was not going to let any waste any of these deposit.

Many find themselves in unbearable situations, grappling with inexplicable trials and can't be explained. Sometimes, we are completely innocent of the challenge and probably have no idea of what's going on, why we got involved in the first place and the depth of the pain we might be in whether it's betrayal, illness, loss, or heartbreak, divorce, the list of human suffering is endless. We're left battered, discouraged, questioning, "Why me?"

Most times, challenges are test of our faith. When it might feel like God is silent over our challenges, He is present with you. Teachers don't talk during a test and we wonder why God is silent when you go through one. He knows you can handle it so He watches you go through it applying what you learned from His word to emerge a victor. God promised you that He won't allow you to get tested more than you can handle. He is jealously watching over you and has got you cover. Relax, you are coming out victorious! God is in control over your life and all that concerns you. 

The Lord never promised us a life without challenges, yet, amidst life's turmoil, we find solace in the words of John 16:33: "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Our faith is tested, and in the silence of our trials, we are urged to apply the lessons gleaned from scripture. God doesn't promise a life free of challenges; rather, He assures us of His presence and victory over adversity.

Our God never forsakes His own; He walks with us through storms and fires alike. The inspiring account of the three Hebrew boys—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—beautifully demonstrates this truth. When presented with the demand to bow before the king's statue, they held fast to their devotion to God above all else. Instead of yielding to fear, they courageously embraced the fiery furnace, trusting in God's protection. Their faith remained steadfast; they fearlessly declared to the king that even if God didn't rescue them, they would not compromise their worship by bowing to the golden image. Daniel chapter 3 records that God came down to be with them in the fire and he became the fourth man even in the fire. God made sure they were safe in the fire and their cloths did not smell smoke! Wow what an incredible and miracle God we serve!! He is still that same God and no matter what you are going through today, you will overcome. God walks with us through the storms and fires of life, ensuring our safety and victory.
He is with you and will never let you fall nor get burnt, He will come through for you. 

No one is exempt from facing challenges and tribulations. In the midst of your trials and battles, engage your your faith like the Hebrew boys did. Utilize the power of the Blood of Jesus for deliverance. Even when it seems daunting, proclaim with unwavering faith that you will emerge a victor, and God will receive the glory. Speak the Word of God over your situation until you see a breakthrough. Envision yourself emerging victorious through the lens of faith. See yourself overcoming through the lens of faith. Remember, tough times never last, but tough people do.

Yes, there will be struggles, fights, and challenges, but rest assured, victory is guaranteed! As 2 Corinthians 2:14 reminds us, "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere." You are already a victor before the battle even begins. Jesus has already secured your triumph through His blood. Never underestimate its power in your life, and never shrink back from declaring your victory through Christ, no matter what circumstances you face.

I pray for you today, that your faith in God will not falter or fail, but that it will ignite within you, knowing that you are deeply loved by God. I command every raging storm ceases now and prefect peace floods your heart in Jesus name. Trust that God is watching over you and has already given you the victory. You are destined to triumph in every battle you face. 
 Know that God is with you and fights on your behalf, ensuring that your victory is assured! You are truly blessed!

Stay blessed!
Chichi Onoriobe


  1. Amen. I will keep declaring God 's word over my situations. God has never failed and he will not fail.Jesus has done it at calvary.


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